Antigua & Barbuda Literary Festival 2008 - Was a Blast

Virtually everyone, friendly, engaging and helpful. It really was a terrific experience. I had a similar reaction to the National Book Club Conference, but this event exceeded even that incredible experience. I’m sure the beautiful island, perfect weather and low pressure environment – had something to do with it.
Image having stimulating conversations with smart, passionate people from all over the world. The experience was sublime. On top of that we had the privilege (really honor) of participating in workshops, panel discussions, readings, school visits and one on one conversations with attendees mostly from Antigua – though anyone interested in writing or publishing would have benefited.
While we were the Prime Minister of Antigua, Honourable Winston Baldwin Spencer, addressed us:

Spencer announced that Antigua’s Highest mountain will be renamed Mount Obama.
Look out for next year's festival -- it is sure to be better than ever!
Labels: 2008, a Literary,, Antigua, Barbud, Festival
Hi Troy, I started a new blog White Readers Meet Black Authors. Check it out:
BTW, I've got cousins in Willow Grove!
Hi Troy,
Just stoppped by to say how much I enjoy your reviews. They are wonderful.
Thanks Tea!
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